AGHAF  4.5.5
Annecy electronique Generic Hardware Access Framework
aghaf_kline.h File Reference
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typedef void * AGHAF_KLine
 handle on KLine
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_activate (AGHAF_KLine kline)
 start the communication with the KLine More...
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_deactivate (AGHAF_KLine kline)
 stop the communication with the KLine More...
AGHAF_KLine AGHAF_KLine_get (AGHAF_Device device, uint8_t index)
 return the KLine bus at the index specified More...
uint8_t AGHAF_KLine_getCount (AGHAF_Device device)
 return the number of KLines available on a device More...
uint8_t AGHAF_KLine_getIndex (AGHAF_KLine kline)
 return the index from an KLine More...
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_getParam (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_Param param, uint32_t *value)
 get a parameter from a KLine More...
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_isActivated (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_BOOL *isActivated)
 allow to know if the communication on the KLine is started or not More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_on5BaudInit) (uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t flags, uint16_t dataLen, uint8_t const *data, void *userContext)
 callback called on a 5 baud init event More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_onMsgRx) (uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t flags, uint16_t dataLen, uint8_t const *data, void *userContext)
 callback function called when a character is received on a KLine More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_onMsgTx) (uint64_t timestamp, uint8_t flags, uint16_t dataLen, uint8_t const *data, void *userContext)
 callback function called when a character is transmitted on a KLine More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_onRxError) (uint64_t timestamp, AGHAF_KLine_Error error, void *userContext)
 callback called when a reception error happens on a KLine More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_onSOM) (uint64_t timestamp, void *userContext)
 callback called when SOM event happens More...
typedef void(* AGHAF_KLine_onTxError) (uint64_t timestamp, AGHAF_KLine_Error error, void *userContext)
 callback called when a transmission error happens on a KLine More...
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_sendMessage (AGHAF_KLine kline, uint8_t flags, uint16_t dataLen, uint8_t const *data)
 send data on the KLine More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOn5BaudInitCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_on5BaudInit callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a 5 baud init event More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOnMsgRxCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_onMsgRx callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a rx event More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOnMsgTxCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_onMsgTx callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a tx event More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOnRxErrorCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_onRxError callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a reception error event More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOnSomCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_onSOM callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a SOM event More...
void AGHAF_KLine_setOnTxErrorCallback (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_onTxError callback, void *userContext)
 set the callback called on a transmission error event More...
AGHAF_Status AGHAF_KLine_setParam (AGHAF_KLine kline, AGHAF_KLine_Param param, uint32_t value)
 set a parameter from a KLine More...